Christian Fundamentals Every Parent Should Know - Ep. 37

Season #1

You might be navigating parenthood without the background of a Christian upbringing. Perhaps you're at the beginning of your journey and looking for the best way to introduce your children to God. You could be seeking to lay a solid faith foundation right from the start. Maybe you're new to your faith and feeling unsure of where to begin. And maybe you occasionally feel stumped by your children’s questions or feel unprepared to discuss your faith with non-believers. 

If so, you're certainly not alone, and a deeper understanding of Christian fundamentals may resonate with you. 

I want to start by saying that no human has all the answers. Your faith journey is uniquely yours, built on a personal relationship with God that will continue to grow and evolve over a lifetime of love and learning.  

The insights I share here come from my own experiences, education, and relationship with God, grounded in The Word and guided by The Holy Spirit. They are my interpretations and beliefs. I encourage you to consider them in alignment with your own journey with God, taking from them what resonates with you. 

That being said-

The foundational truths every Christian needs to know fall into the following categories: 

Love / Judge 

Relationship / Religion 

Grace / Forgiveness  

Old Testament / New Testament  

The Word / The World  

How do you know if you're saved?  

How do you pray?  

What next? 

Then, we'll cover 2 Bonus Tips- 

  • Bonus tip 1: Test everything 
  • Bonus tip 2: If you feel overwhelmed 


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