Protecting our children
Aug 12, 2023Every parent has an innate, biological, God-designed drive to protect their children.
Yet, we see this fail day after day in the media, social media and in our communities. Why is this? If God gave us this drive to protect and love, why doesn't everyone have it?
Well, we know that some people fight against God's will every day of their lives. We know that some are dealing with their own internal battles or mental illnesses that block their recognition of this feeling. Some are so confused and overwhelmed by their sins and their failures that they cannot feel emotions in the way we do. And some are just straight up being used as agents of the enemy.
We may not have to power to fight those things around the globe, but we do have power.
Not only do we have power - We have a responsibility to do God's work on this earth and protect His innocent children.
This won't be easy to read, but I strongly encourage you to continue.
We clearly all use the internet, and most all of us are active on social media. So we've all seen the prevalence of child abuse, child sex trafficking, harmful agendas being pushed onto our children in public schools, sexualization of minors being encouraged and even government officials who we should be able to trust to use their positions for good, either sweeping the issues under the rug or actually contributing to making them worse.
I'm going to go against the mold of what new businesses typically find to be best, smart practice. I'm not here to please everyone or conform to this world. I am here to please God and further his Kingdom reach on earth. I am here to make sure children around the world feel God's love. I don't want or need business from individuals who consider this topic to be a topic best left unspoken.
I don't have a huge platform yet, but I do have information that needs to be shared. The Lord is calling you today to step up and join this fight - this all-out assault, rather - against His innocent children. Against our children.
First I'll tell you, what.
Then I'll share with you, why.
Then I'll show you, how.
There are children..little children..from BIRTH to 18 and beyond being sex trafficked here on earth. Here in our country. Here in our state. Here in our city. Here in our communities!!
- Human trafficking is the 2nd largest illicit industry here in the U.S. 2nd only to the drug trade (UNICEF, nd)
- There are 40.3 million trafficked persons globally today and 25% of them are children (Liberate Children, International Labour Organization)
- Sex trafficking is the most common type of trafficking in the U.S.
- 70 million child sexual abuse material files are estimated in 2019. 78% of this file are children under the age of 12 (Thorn)
- The extent of family involvement in child trafficking is 4x higher than in cases of adult trafficking (CTDC)
- Child sex trafficking has been reported in every state within the U.S. (NCMEC)
^ This doesn't even touch on the second phase of most sex trafficked children who have been pushed to the point of no longer seen "useful", and they are then discarded. Either used for satanic rituals, used for organ harvesting or killed, but taken from this earth either way without feeling the love and mercy they deserve.
This one is obvious, but let me assure you that scripture would make our responsibility clear even if the ethical and compassionate aspects didn't.
(Psalm 82:2-4) "How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."
We are called to deliver the weak from the wicked!
(Ezekiel 34:4-6) "You have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, bandaged the injured, brought back the strays, or sought the lost. Instead, you have ruled them with violence and cruelty. They were scattered for lack of a shepherd; they became food for all the wild animals when they were scattered. My flock went astray on all the mountains and every high hill. My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and there was no one searching or seeking for them." --- Ezekiel 34:31 clarifies: "You are my flock, the human flock of my pasture, and I am your God. This is the declaration of the Lord God.
We are called to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bandage the injured, bring back the strays and seek the lost!
(James 2:14) "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Can such faith save him?"
We are called, not just to believe and have faith, but to do the works that align with God's will!
We often hear nonbelievers (or have even wondered ourselves, to some degree) why "God allows this to happen". He is all-knowing, all-controlling, all-capable. Couldn't he just ..stop them?
Well if he did, earth would be perfect, and earth was never promised perfection. As humans, we are imperfect by design. We are all sinners that fall short of the glory of God. Earth is our place to exercise free-will and choose to do God's will. Earth is where both heaven has influence and the evil that belongs in hell has influence. It's essentially a battleground, but God gives us everything we need to prepare for that battle in scripture. His will is clear. The call to action that he provides to His people is clear.
If you find yourself with any desire to ask God why he allows this to happen, please make sure you look in the mirror and ask yourself first. Why do YOU allow this to happen? He put YOU here on earth to do His will. He called you to deliver the weak from the wicked. What steps have YOU taken to protect the innocent and save the children suffering?
(James 4:17) "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."
We know this is happening. It's time to wake up and do something about it. If we don't, it becomes our sin as well, rather than just our heartache. Complacency is not an option. Turning a blind eye is not an option. Pretending we are helpless and incapable of making a difference is not an option. We know better! Scripture teaches us how capable we are! Through God, all things are possible! With the faith of a mustard seed, we have the power to move mountains!
There are multiple amazing organizations that dedicate themselves to this cause. My personal favorite is Operation Underground Railroad, but I'd be happy to suggest others if you are looking for something a little different. Every organization's website has ways to get involved listed, whether that be careers, volunteering, fundraising or raising awareness. Think about what you can do to help, pray about what you should do to help, and then trust in God and take action.
We know their time is coming. Revelation 11:18 ends by stating "...the time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth." Revelation 21:8 states "But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars- their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."
Their punishment doesn't have to be our fight. That wrath belongs to God. It's not our job to hate them or condemn them. It IS our job to protect God's children and advocate for the innocent. To let our love be the light that drives our darkness.
Quotes to remember
- The FBI - "At any given time, there is an estimated 750,000 child predators online- and they all have a key to your house via the internet"
- OUR Rescue - "Thank you for being the light we take into the darkness."
Take away suggestions
- If you haven't yet, go watch the Sound of Freedom movie that was released by Angel Studios on July 4th. It's a must see for all of us.
- Share what you learn! Social media is powerful in raising awareness.
- Research! You can't know how to help until you find what options to you have. But make no mistake...you DO have options! We all do.
- Start within your home. Monitor your children's internet usage carefully. Protect them and educate them. Hold boundaries.
We can do this together, as a village, with God's strength, wisdom and guidance.
Hashtags to use for raising awareness- #OURrescue #EndHumanTrafficking #StopSexualExploitation #HumanTraffickingAwareness
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With love,